1. The high prices of textbooks at the UF bookstore
- the high prices are probably because of the school itself or the cost to acquire the books in the first place
2. finding Decent Parking Locations around campus for car with my current parking pass
- probably done to encourage walking or to save space for faculty parking
3. getting in contact with an adviser about classes
- this is probably because of the multitude of students on campus all trying to speak about their classes as well
4. That we can't use any form of calculator on a calculus exam (not even the simple ones)
- probably wants the students to know it by hand and mind
5. The showers of the dorms I've lived in can't seem to get any hotter than room temperature
- providing hot water for every student dorm on campus might be quite costly
6. The expensive fee i have to pay in order to fix my car's ac. (part cost about 150, but wants me to pay 900 for labor costs)
- Labor costs are probably high because it is a very technical process and requires time and skills others do not possess
7. One peeve i have is when people give out spoilers for movies that just came out.
- They probably just can't contain their excitement of how good the movie was.
8. Not having any Coca Cola products anywhere for sale on campus.
- This is possibly because UF thought Pepsi products would be a less expensive alternative
9. I hate it how highshool classes really don't teach any real life skills, "like i want to learn how to do taxes, no let me teach you how to find area of a pyramid and read Othello.
-Schools possibly have to have some system to base their curriculum off of and some schools may vary among others
10. doing financial aid seems very complicated and tedious to do
- This might be do to the fact that it is borrowing money from the government to use and then will eventually have to pay back
11. I'd say the homeless population around campus is a little bit of an annoyance.
- This is probably do to the fact it is an area that not only provides constant traffic of people but possibly the large amount of homeless population already in Gainesville
12.The Internet and WiFi at UF seems choppy and slow in a good deal of places
-this is probably due to the amount of students or the type of internet provided
13. One problem that i have is when i put dishes in my dishwasher at home and when there done they aren't completely dry
- due possibly because of type of washer that my house uses
14. I think a good deal of people are a bit too sensitive nowadays
- due to the changing times, nurture, and new issues that keep popping up
15. It bugs me that movie companies keep making remaking old franchises or making sequels to movies that didn't even make them in the first place.
- movie companies probably think they know their audience and just want to gain some extra dough.
16. People who don't turn their turn signals when their going across 2-4 lanes of traffic
- maybe their in a rush, maybe they just forgot, maybe they just suck
17. Unclean Public restrooms
- their public restrooms and some people don't feel like their responsible to clean up
18. I hate it when you using your head phones then one just stops working
- probably due to wear an tear or extended use of said headphones
19. The people who don't do equal work on a project
- exists because of laziness, forgetfulness, or thinking that their small amount was enough
20. It bugs me that in the summer semester that all of the places to get food on campus close early or have times in which they can't serve food at all.
- probably due to the few amount of students that are here during the summer or shortage of staff
I'd say the biggest challenge with the list was coming up with the problems, we deal with either so many we can't remember them or are just used to them by no that they become unnoticeable. Even only thinking of 20 was still hard.
Nice post. I really enjoyed some of your bugs as I related them to things that I see in my own life. I don't think there is anyone out there that enjoys an unclean restroom and don’t even get me started on textbooks. There is definitely a lot to be frustrated with financial aid and while I felt the overall tone of your post was annoyance, it was not misplaced or misguided. Anyway, that’s my reflection.