Friday, February 22, 2019

Reading Reflection 1

Grinding it Out: the making of McDonald's Ray Kroc

1. What surprised me about Ray was his small start, he started out selling paper cups to owning and managing one of the world's biggest corporate food franchises.

I most admire Rays drive and determination, Even though he several health issues and was just a small salesman he just kept trying which was remarkable

I least admire how just took the business from the McDonald brothers.\

Sure he did, his first marriage deteriorated because of McDonald's (restaurant) and his own obsession into his work. Unfortunately, Ray and Ethel divorced in 1961 when he spent 2.7 million  to by out the McDonald's brothers stake in the company.

2. Ray was very successful in negotiation, salesmanship, marketing, and his Career motivation.

3. One part I found confusing is not allowing the brothers to be partners in the company rather than taking away their restaurant and leaving them with one restaurant to only be overshadowed by Ray.  

4. Why didn't you include the brothers in your business or share their part in the creation? To hear their side of the story, get to know why Ray was the loner that he was. 

How big did you expect this company to be? To learn of his aspirations of the future, to see if his dream was all he wanted it to be.

5. Ray believes that one must keep going, but must sometimes get one's hands dirty. "Coffee is for Closers"was often a phrase he used in his early days. Though i feel one should take ones work seriously my take is a little less ruthless.


  1. Hey, this post is really interesting. I never knew that much about McDonald's founding or founders before this post. I would have never thought these founders as selling paper cups instead of running a restaurant. I also didn't know that the business took a toll on their personal relationships so much. I think knowing the struggle of Ray will encourage many people. Thank you for introducing me to their struggle.

  2. Hello Trevor,
    I have also seen the movie "The Founder" about Ray Kroc and highly recommend you to check it out, it's on Netflix now too. I also couldn't believe how Ray took advantage of the original McDonalds after they were so friendly and willing to let him in on the secrets in their operation. It was also disappointing how he left his wife and stole someone else's wife after he became successful.


Final reflect

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