Friday, February 22, 2019

Hallway Reflection 1

1. Behaviors you will need for this class are determination (to get all the work done), openness (open to new ideas and critique), also time management skills (so you don't fall behind on the work), and lastly problem solving skills.

2. It was a couple weeks ago and it was during one of the interview assignments, I had no interviews and it was the day it was due. At first i felt like not doing it, then i got up went out and found those people and typed up that assignment with their thoughts with little time to spare.I feel I developed a little bit of a tenacious attitude from that moment going forward. 

3. Do not wait until the last day to the assignments, due them immediately when you have the knowledge and capability to do so.

Go to the extra credit seminars and listen closely to the professor. He knows what he's talking abot and is often very insightful.
Don't let the little things slow you down, just get up and do it.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Trevor,
    This course really takes determination, at first I really didn't want to do the interviews. The interviews really take a lot of work, but once you finish them it is that bad. The interviews can be daunting at first glance, but aren't bad they are just more talking than anything so its not hard work. The extra credit is also something very important. great post!


Final reflect

1. The moments of drudgery were the assignments requiring multiple interviews. Joyous experiences were being to complete all my work and the...