Friday, April 5, 2019

Venture no.1

Safely Carting Undergrads and Teachers Swiftly


While attending the University of Florida i noticed that everyone on campus has a scooter and that a lot of students classes are on completely different sides of the campus, sometime multiple at a time. At UF the only way to get to classes on time is mostly to walk or run to them. Sure, you could take a scooter or a bike, but finding a place to put it can often be tiresome and make you late. I feel that there is a need for fast paced travel between classes, perhaps a shuttle of some sorts. Sure, there are the buses, but there often crowded and get stuck in traffic on the way to the stop. Several of the students have started to use electronic boards to quicken there commute, but those are often an expensive purchase and hold a limited charge. I see a need for travel around this campus are, and i have a solution.


I would created an app based transportation service for University students and faculty. The service would provide easier and faster forms of travel around the campus. Think of it similar to Uber, except instead of using cars it would use golf carts. The service would be faster than most vehicles because unlike cars and buses, carts can take the sidewalk and drive directly to the building. The service would be in 2 parts. A scheduled half, similar to bus stops, where carts would travel back and forth between a popular destination on/around campus. The second would be a direct travel, where you would schedule a pickup to go where you need to. The cost would be cheaper as well or could be included with a plan with the campus so you can use it whenever. The good thing about this system is that it can be transferred to other college campuses as well. I feel that the opportunity would be open for only a short amount of time before all the students end up buying other forms of transportation.

Venture Concept  

  •  Students would switch to this new form of transport because students would always like an easier way to do something and a large population of the students wished that their classes weren't so far from their dorm. Switching would be easy. All they would need to do is get the app and set up their account or show their ID.
  •  Competitors would be Uber-like companies, Ride-share services, public transportation. Their vulnerabilities would be that Ubers often charge rates are too high, Public transportation is  traffic, crowds, and possibly sanitation. Lastly ride-share services can be difficult to set a location for pickup.
  •  Price points: Prices would be dependent on if the student would rather pay for a single trip or larger sum for an extended period of time (i.e. semester, yearly, monthly)
  • Support: My service would have number to call and one of my representatives could help fix your issue or if you can't call you can leave send the issue through the app directly to us.
  • Employees: The total amount of employees for the current version would be estimated to be about 25 or more. It would be made up of myself, marketing advising, customer service representatives, drivers, technicians, and App/tech support. 
  1.  I think that the most important resource for my service would be my knowledge of the target market and area. I feel like i know how my fellow students think, what they would like. It gives me an edge over those who don't understand the student at UF.
  2.  What would be next for my venture would be assimilating the system/service in to other universities in the state, then in the country. 
  3.  I hope that in 5 years that my idea is starting to blossom into something greater, while also looking for my side career.


  1. Hey Trevor, I love how you noticed this opportunity because when I walk around campus, I just think of how I need a scooter for myself, and now that I have a bike, I’m just worried about running into people and ducking from cars. Your idea would really help the student body as a whole. I think once we’ve completed this class and you’ve taken away all that you can from these entrepreneurial exercises, you should pitch it to SGA.

  2. Hello Trevor,
    Interesting idea with the golf carts on campus, I've never thought of that. I guess that driving a cart would be faster and more efficient than riding a bus as long as there is not too much foot traffic on the sidewalk.

  3. Hey man, great post! I have liked your concept since day one, but you have improved, and improved, and improved until you sent out this banger. There are so many changes in peoples schedules that it is very possible to be late for events sometimes. Your venture could potentially eliminate that problem altogether. Great work man, keep it up.


Final reflect

1. The moments of drudgery were the assignments requiring multiple interviews. Joyous experiences were being to complete all my work and the...