Friday, March 22, 2019

Idea Napkin 2

Idea Napkin 2

1. I'm Trevor Bork, I am a University Student (3rd semester). My skills are I are that am fairly intelligent, and I always like to look at the details and like how the process works. I'd say i'm also the type of person to be calm and reasonable under pressure. If i were to pursue this as a business, i would need just the right amount of time and to meet the right social capital to make it real, then pitch my service to those interested.
2. My service is a way to transport students and/or faculty around/across campus. It is sort of like a bus or an Uber, but the service would use golf carts so they can travel along the sidewalk to get there quicker and avoid traffic.
3. I am offering it to any University of Florida students and or faculty. Those who are late for a class or just don't want to walk halfway across campus to get there.
4. There are lots of students whose classes are too far or are in a hurry, sometime people are also just tire and don't want to walk all that way.
5. Well the service I'm doing would be included in the parking pass or as an extra service. Also would be cheaper than getting an Uber, because they cost about 6-8 minimum plus 1-2 per mile. Where as mine wouldn't be as costly. I would also be less crowed than a bus.

I would say most of my services elements fit into place. The only one that may be weaker than the rest would, be my experience. I would need a lot more experience and a strong team of advisers, suppliers, and marketing experience if i were to get this off the ground. The rest seem fairly well put together.

I decided to change my product because of feedback i received dealing with my products design and what it actually was. However, I tried to keep the same amount of detail and energy that someone pointed out in my last napkin. 


  1. Hey Trevor, great work! I’d like to see your service implemented across campus…I think it would be a great extension to the current SNAP service. Utilizing this service during the day when campus is more congested with foot traffic would greatly benefit everyone who finds themselves on campus during these times. I think your service would be easier to implement if it was introduced as an extension of the SNAP service.

  2. Hey Trevor, another fantastic showing of your knowledge of your opportunity. For sure, the student body is a great market to exploit especially when given that college students often have to walk long distances in the hot sun to get from class to class. If your service were implemented in summer session, we all know how the rain starts and stops in a matter of minutes and having a golf cart with a roof over your head certainly beats using your backpack as an umbrella. Good work all around man.


Final reflect

1. The moments of drudgery were the assignments requiring multiple interviews. Joyous experiences were being to complete all my work and the...