1. I took my grammar exam twice this semester, 3 days apart. The first time i din't score as well as i thought. So i studied really hard for the second one.When that came around and i took it i ended up getting the same exact grade as the last one. It sucked.
2. Failure sucks, but it was not worth getting mad or upset over. I could still pass the class with all the other points i had.
3. Failure is apart of life. You will fail eventually at something at sometime and that's OK. You just need to learn from it or just accept it and get over it. This class really didn't effect the way i still look at failure, but allowed me to see if it is more likely to happen or what would fail and fix from failing. I would like to analyse what i do before i take a risk.
Hey Trevor, great work on this post. I really admire your outlook on the failures you’ve experienced this semester. I agree, getting mad about something that went wrong in the past has absolutely no benefit, its better to keep working ahead and seeing what you can fix to make sure you’re never in that position again. Kudos to you for not letting this exam bring you down!