Friday, April 12, 2019

exit strategy

1.  I would say the business would be a short term project, I would probably sell it off if it didn't have a next step for expansion. However, if i were to keep going i would was it on to someone i knew was capable of the position and wouldn't compromise ideals 

2. I seems like a reasonable plan for my business. Mine wasn't necessarily built to turn into something as big as like UBER, but it allows for improvement if decided upon. 

3. Though i might not expect much form the business, it should be successful. With this strategy i have a open mind for newer, possibly better opportunities. It did influence on how i would let my company grow. At its own pace. 


  1. Hey Trevor, I loved reading about your service idea from the very beginning and I always thought about how you would be able to expand or let go of such a service aside from letting SGA run it. I agree with you in keeping the model, privatized in your hands…if implemented correctly I don’t see why your idea can’t become the Uber for college campuses nationwide. Great work!

  2. Hello Trevor,
    I think a lot of people in this class can relate you your company and its exit strategy because we identified opportunities and made a product to fulfill that opportunity without necessarily thinking long term. However, this is not always a bad thing and it is hard to tell how far a company will go until you actually give it a shot.


Final reflect

1. The moments of drudgery were the assignments requiring multiple interviews. Joyous experiences were being to complete all my work and the...