Friday, February 22, 2019

Hallway Reflection 1

1. Behaviors you will need for this class are determination (to get all the work done), openness (open to new ideas and critique), also time management skills (so you don't fall behind on the work), and lastly problem solving skills.

2. It was a couple weeks ago and it was during one of the interview assignments, I had no interviews and it was the day it was due. At first i felt like not doing it, then i got up went out and found those people and typed up that assignment with their thoughts with little time to spare.I feel I developed a little bit of a tenacious attitude from that moment going forward. 

3. Do not wait until the last day to the assignments, due them immediately when you have the knowledge and capability to do so.

Go to the extra credit seminars and listen closely to the professor. He knows what he's talking abot and is often very insightful.
Don't let the little things slow you down, just get up and do it.

Reading Reflection 1

Grinding it Out: the making of McDonald's Ray Kroc

1. What surprised me about Ray was his small start, he started out selling paper cups to owning and managing one of the world's biggest corporate food franchises.

I most admire Rays drive and determination, Even though he several health issues and was just a small salesman he just kept trying which was remarkable

I least admire how just took the business from the McDonald brothers.\

Sure he did, his first marriage deteriorated because of McDonald's (restaurant) and his own obsession into his work. Unfortunately, Ray and Ethel divorced in 1961 when he spent 2.7 million  to by out the McDonald's brothers stake in the company.

2. Ray was very successful in negotiation, salesmanship, marketing, and his Career motivation.

3. One part I found confusing is not allowing the brothers to be partners in the company rather than taking away their restaurant and leaving them with one restaurant to only be overshadowed by Ray.  

4. Why didn't you include the brothers in your business or share their part in the creation? To hear their side of the story, get to know why Ray was the loner that he was. 

How big did you expect this company to be? To learn of his aspirations of the future, to see if his dream was all he wanted it to be.

5. Ray believes that one must keep going, but must sometimes get one's hands dirty. "Coffee is for Closers"was often a phrase he used in his early days. Though i feel one should take ones work seriously my take is a little less ruthless.

Friday, February 15, 2019

Figuring out buyers behavior 1

The segment i chose to focus on were on students or people on campus that owned a car or motorized vehicle. The 3 that interviewed were all students that fell into the segment. The first was UF junior who was a computer engineering major, second a freshmen and 3rd was a sophomore.

When talking with all 3 I first made sure to ask if they all had a cars or a scooter. Junior and grad had a car and sophomore a scooter. I explained my idea to them, each had some similar reaction but some had varied views. They said that it was a good idea and not really done before. Freshman asked how would effect scooters, I said that it would be the same as the car, but thought the idea might need tweaking for 2 wheel vehicles, but never said that it couldn't be done. Also the sophomore said not having to worry about signal would be nice not having to worry about driving home to see his folks.

What I learned from these interviews is that need for the signals would be varied among younger people, but my need still exists among students and adults, but to those who would like a less stressful ride on the road.  I see that i would need to focus the market a bit it is still relatively the same.

Based on what i now know about the segment, I conclude that people that people do care about the issue of the safety on the road and would like something to help with it.

Idea Napkin

Idea Napkin

Who: I'm Trevor Bork, I am a University Student (3rd semester). My skills are I are that am fairly intelligent, and I always like to look at the tiny details and like how things are built. I'd say i'm also the type of person to be calm and reasonable under pressure. If i were to pursue this as a business, i would need just the right amount of time and to meet the right people to make it real, then pitch my device to investors or those who might be interested. After things have slowed down, move on to a new product to be made for the people. 

What I'm offering: My product is an automatic turn signal or turn signal reminder so you don't forget or have to worry about it anymore. the signal would turn on automatically as you turn your wheel or the alarm would give you a friendly ding to turn on your signal.

Who I'm offering it to: I would be offering my product to auto shops, car manufacturers, car dealerships, anyone in the auto motive industry. Then they would be placed in cars for those who want a little extra safety or less to worry about while on the road.

Why do they care: Not only would my product lower the risk of getting in an accident or causing one all together. It would remove some of the stress one has on the road.

What are my core competencies: What sets my product apart from everyone else is that no one else is doing it yet. No car companies have decided to do this simple thing. I would only have competitors as soon as my product is made. But future competitors could be other car or tech companies.

Friday, February 8, 2019

Testing Hypothesis PT.2

Who: After asking around the only people that seem outside of the market are to those that don't drive or motorized vehicle of some kind. These include people who bike, walk, or take public transport. They say that either their not effected by it because it doesn't pertain to them or that they are just used to people like that.

What: One of the interviewees i asked said that she walks everywhere, to go classes and etc. Though the road may be dangerous it does truly effect her until she gets a car.

Why: People outside the market are those who are not effected by car travel or is so used to the issue they become almost used to the problem.

Inside Boundary
  •  Who- people who want a little extra safety on the road 
  •  What- to decrease the risk of danger and annoyance of people who don't use their signals 
  •  Why- some say they don't have time, laziness, forgetfulness, or just not worth the effort and etc. It's a hazard.
Outside Boundary
  • Who-People who don't drive cars or take public transport/bike/walk
  • What-doesn't need to worry about people using turn signals 
  • Alternate- Sometimes people use their signals, they just don't care about the issue, doesn't drive a car

Elevator Pitch

Friday, February 1, 2019

Solving the problem

1. My selected opportunity is "Why people don't use their turn signals when changing lanes or turning". A problem that almost everyone has seen and yet everyone deals with. A problem that has many reasons; Laziness, Forgetfulness, Not caring, Thinking it's optional, etc.

2. My product is can be one of 2 things:
A- An automatic turn signal that turns on when you turn the wheel to a certain angle or threshold, that way laziness is taken out of the equation
B- A sort of reminder alarm like when your driving to use it when the wheel is turn, sort of like when you forget to put your seat belt on or leave a car door open. '

I would intend for the products to be bought buy car manufacturers, dealerships, auto repair stores, and etc. People that work with the car and know how it is all put together.

Testing Hypothesis

1.Why doesn't every driver in Florida use their turn signals when changing lanes or turning before they go into the lane not when you are already half way there. I feel that there is a way to fix that in cars or motorized vehicles. Possibly an alert or auto signal.

2. Who: Some Drivers in the Florida Area
    What: Not signaling to change lanes or turn into an area
    Why: No time to signal, laziness, forgetfulness

3. Testing the who: This could pertain to any driver who doesn't us their signals
    Testing the what:I guess it really depends on the person behind the wheel and their diving habits
    Testing the Why: There are multiple reasons why people don't do it varies from person to person, moment to moment


 #1. First interview was my old roommate- When you drive do you see people not using their turn signals? I usually take the bus, but All the time when I'm on the road. Do you think that this is a serious hazard to safety on the road? Definitely they can lead to an increased risk of a crash or wreck. Why do you think people keep doing this? I honestly think people just are lazy and just don't see the effort in doing so, but that just me.

 #2 Uf student-When you drive do you see people not using their turn signals? I see it often when I'm using my scooter to get somewhere.  Do you think that this is a serious hazard to safety on the road? I drive a scooter, if some person just decides to switch into my lane an I'm not entirely focused on it I'm gonna wreck. Why do you think people keep doing this? I can't really say, I don't know what's going on their head when I'm driving. They could be thinking something completely different than me.

 #3 New Roommate -When you drive do you see people not using their turn signals? Yeah i see those kind of people a lot.  Do you think that this is a serious hazard to safety on the road? It can be if your not really focused on the road, could lead to accidents or close calls.  Why do you think people keep doing this? Forgetfulness, not feeling the need to, maybe it's broken. It's just a thing people keep doing and not really doing anything about.

 #4 Uf Student Off campus-When you drive do you see people not using their turn signals? Literally as soon as i get out of my parking space there is some guy is racing around a turn to get my space, a total danger. Do you think that this is a serious hazard to safety on the road? Absolutely, say I'm driving and i swerve in to the right lane but in the process I hit somebody. There are a lot of variables on the road, If i have to be responsible on the road why doesn't someone else.  Why do you think people keep doing this? I don't know. People just suck sometimes. It's there to be used yet almost everybody doesn't even use the thing so why do we even have it.

 #5 Close Friend-When you drive do you see people not using their turn signals? 
I don't really own my own car, most of the places i need to go are in walking distances, but i do see these people on the road. Do you think that this is a serious hazard to safety on the road?  Yes, even when I'm crossing the street their is that one person who decides to turn without warning, and you don't see them until they are in said turn. Why do you think people keep doing this? They probably think that turn signals are an optional thing that you can use whenever you feel like doing so. 

5. Summary- In my assignment, I hypothesized that people not using their turn signals is not only a pet peeve but a serious safety hazard that everyone sees. Everybody has at one time seen someone just cross into the lane without signaling. The people that interviewed put the blame mostly on laziness or just not caring, I agree. I now see that this is a problem about annoyance, but safety and risk as well.

Final reflect

1. The moments of drudgery were the assignments requiring multiple interviews. Joyous experiences were being to complete all my work and the...